METU Northern Cyprus Campus Online Payment System

Welcome to the METU Northern Cyprus Online Payment System

To be able to make the payment, the credit card you use must have 3D Secure authentication and sufficient limit for online transactions. By using the
Online Payment System, you confirm that you have the appropriate authority to make the payment.

For any of the fees you can either make full payment up front by any credit card or you may choose to pay them by installment in TL by credit cards
accepted by Creditwest, Garanti Bank, İş Bank and Ziraat Bank. In case of payment by installments, the fee and interest the banks charge will be
added to the amount you will pay. The banks can offer additional installment facilities as part of their Education Sector Campaigns. These campaigns
are offered by the banks and they reserve their right to terminate the campaign anytime at their own discretion.

After the payment is completed, you can see the payment details by logging into the same system again or send it to the e-mail addresses of the student and the credit card holder.

If you experience any problems, please contact us at
Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanli, Guzelyurt, KKTC, Mersin 10, Turkey Tel: +90 392 661 2000 E-mail: